Moo, moo! Look at the big cow.
Baa, baa! Look at the big sheep.
Neigh, neigh! Look at the big horse.
Moo, moo! Baa, baa! Neigh, neigh!
Moo, moo! Baa, baa! Neigh, neigh!
Woof, woof! Look at the little dog.
Meow, meow! Look at the little cat.
Squeak, squeak! Look at the little rat.
Woof, woof! Meow, meow! Squeak, squeak!
Woof, woof! Meow, meow! Squeak, squeak!
Peep, peep! Look at the cute chick.
Croak, croak! Look at the cute frog.
Hoot, hoot! Look at the cute owl.
Peep, peep! Croak, croak! Hoot, hoot!
Peep, peep! Croak, croak! Hoot, hoot!
Quack, quack! Look at the funny duck.
Oink, oink! Look at the funny pig.
Caw, caw! Look at the funny crow.
Quack, quack! Oink, oink! Caw, caw!
Quack, quack! Oink, oink! Caw, caw!