(Solo) Lumen Christi - (Choir) Deo Gratias
(Solo) Lumen Christi - (Choir) Deo Gratias
(Solo) Lumen Christi - (Choir) Deo, Deo Gratias
(Choir) Don’t be afraid - (Solo) For I know that you are seeking Jesus
(Choir) Don’t be afraid - (Solo) O, Jesus who was crucified
(Choir and Solo) He’s not here, for he’s risen, just as He said:
Don’t be afraid, Don’t be afraid
Christ is risen today!
(Solo) Lumen Christi, Lumen Christi
(Choir) Christus - (Solo) I am the resurrection and the life
(Choir) Resurrexit - (Solo) Whoever believes in me, even though he has died, he shall live
(Choir) Shall live - (Solo) And everyone who lives and believes in me shall not die for eternity
(Solo) Do you believe? (Choir) Yes, my Lord!
(Solo) Do you believe? (Choir) I do!
(Solo) Do you believe? (Choir) I do!
(Choir) Alleluia (Solo) Lumen Christi
(Choir) Lumen Christi (Solo) Deo Gratias
(Choir) Lumen Christi (Solo) Deo Gratias
(Choir) Lumen Christi (Solo) Deo, Deo Gratias
(Solo) Lumen Christi - (Choir) Lumen Christi
(Solo) Deo Gratias - (Choir) Deo Gratias