
AP Networt News
앨범 : Daily English

(((2003. 6. 20. Friday - former part)))

AP Network News. I’m Lisa Meyer.

The House is trying again. For a second year running, it’s voted to permanently eliminate estate taxes.
--- House Republicans call it fairness for families. They say the bill will mean family farms and businesses can be passed from one generation to the next without having to be sold off to pay the inheritance tax. This is California congressman Christopher Cox. (It’s time for the death tax to die, and today we’re gonna drive a stake to its heart.) But Democrats like Javier Bashera argued the measure is a sup to the rich. (We’re giving a tax break, not for Americans, but the 1.3% richest Americans in this country.) The Democratic alternative to increase the exemption but to retain the tax on the wealthiest families was rejected. The bill faces an uncertain future in the Senate. Jerry Bodlander, Capitol Hill.

(이종인의 듣기일기)
The House is trying again for a second year running. It's voted to permanently eliminate estate taxes. "House Republicans call it fairness for families. They say the bill will mean family farms and businesses can be passed from one generation to the next without having to be sold off to pay the inheritance tax. This is California congressman (Christopher Cox). "It's time for death tax to die and today we'are gonna drive a (state) to its heart." But Democrats like (Habia Phesela) argued the measure is a stop to the rich. "We'll giving a tax break not for Americans, but the one point three percent richest American in this country. The democratic alternative to increase the exemption but to retain the tax on the wealthiest families was rejected. The bill faces an uncertain future in the Senate. (Terry Botlander) Capitol Hill.

하원에서 유산상속세(estate taxes; inheritance taxes)를 폐지할지 말지에 관한 표결을 했다고 합니다. 의회 안건 중에 최우선순위로 올라와있는 공화당의 세금감면 노력의 일환입니다. 공화당측은 세금부과를 비난하며 "death tax"라고 합니다. 유산상속세는 소자본사업을 파산시키고 가족농장을 팔아 세금을 내도록 한다는 것입니다. 유산상속세는 2010년에 폐지되도록 예정되었습니다. 그러나 1년 뒤에 다시 상정되었습니다. 상원에서 예산적자를 규제하기 위해 제기한 것입니다. 하원에서는 264-163으로 통과가 되어 영구히 폐지하기로 되었습니다. 이로써 2013년까지 $163 billion의 세수입을 절감하게 됩니다. 민주당에서는 대체안을 내세우며 반발하고 있습니다. 결혼한 부부에게는 $6 million, 독신에게는 $3 million만큼 면제를 해주자고 합니다. 하원에서는 표결로 민주당의 대체안을 거부하였습니다. 민주당측은 공화당의 법안조치는 적자상태를 더욱 악화시킬 거라고 합니다. ###drive stakes###말뚝을 박고 불하 청구지를 확보하다. 천막을 치다. 주거를 정하다.~~무슨 소리인지? 그냥 심장에 말뚝을 박아 종결시킨다는 내용 아닌가요? ###sup### (음료) 한모금, 한번 마시기 동사로는 저녁을 먹이다라고 되어있는데, 뭐라고 번역하면 좋을까요?

(김진희의 듣기일기)
The House is trying again for its second year running. It’s voted permanently to eliminate states’ taxes.
-- The House republicans call it fairness for family. They say the bill will mean family farms and businesses can be passed from one generation to the next, without having them sold off to pay the inheritance taxes. This is California congressman Christopher Cox. (It’s time for death taxes to die. Today we’re gonna drive state to recharge)
But the Democrat like Javier Bashera argue that the measure is soft to the rich. (We’re giving a tax break, not for American but the 1.3% richest American in this country.)But the Democrat alternative to increase the exemption but retain the taxes on the wealthiest families was rejected. The bill faces uncertain future in the Senate.
Jerry Bodlander, Capitol Hill

안녕하세요. 오늘 처음으로 듣기일기에 승선한 김진희입니다. 지난 겨울부터 쭈욱~~ AP듣기를 하면서 이제 제법 내용도 알아듣고 해서 용기를 내어 시작했습니다. 혹시나 했는데 역시나 실수 투성이네요… 미국의 세금 감면책은 많이 접해본 내용이죠. 과연 미국의 세금정책은 어디로 갈지 갈피를 잡지 못하는 가운데, 여전히 공화당의 세금 감면안은 부유층을 위한 것이라고 공격을 받네요. 서민을 위한 민주당의 감면안도 통과되지 않아서 앞으로의 결정에 귀추가 주목됩니다. Estate tax에서 ‘e’ 사운드를 놓쳤어요.. 들으면서도 state tax가 뭐지? 라고 생각했죠..ㅋㅋ 그리고 Cox의원의 말은 그냥 들리는 대로 적었는데 역시나 틀리네요… 첫 구절은 현실적인 감면책을 추구해야 할 시점이라는 뜻 같은데 뒤의 내용이 감이 안 오네요.. help me *^^*

The police chief who led the hunt for the Washington, D.C. area snipers last year has quit his job. Charles Moose has been locked in a battle with the Montgomery County, Maryland ethics commission. He plans to publish a book recounting the hunt for the killers. They refused to grant their permission for him to publish it. Moose submitted a one paragraph resignation letter Monday night. His lawyer Ron Karp reads part of it.
--- I have greatly appreciated the honor and opportunity of serving Montgomery County for the last four years. The people of Montgomery County are good and welcoming citizens. Now I will always treasure the love and support they have shown me.
By the way, Moose’s book comes out in October.

(정원교의 듣기일기)
The Police chief who lead the manhunt for the Washington D.C area snipers last year has quit his job. Charles Moose has been locked in a battle with the Montgomery County, Maryland ethics commission. He plans to publish a book recounting the hunt for the killers. They’ve refused to grant permission for him to publish it. Moose admitted one paragraph (( )) Monday night as his lawyer Ron Karp briefs part of it
I have greatly appreciated with the honor and opportunity of serving county for the last four years. The people of are good and welcoming citizens and I always treasure the love and support they’ve shown me.
By the way, Moose’s book comes out in October.

며칠 전에 맡은 기사와 이어지는 내용입니다. 워싱턴 연쇄저격범 수사를 이끌었던 수사반장이 경찰복을 벗고 수사와 관련된 책을 출판하려고 하는데 군 윤리위원회에서 출판을 허락치 않습니다. ((recount, 자세히 이야기하다)) ((submit a one paragraph resignation letter)) 한 문단으로 된 간단한 사직서를 제출했다는 의미가 아닐까요? 군데군데 어렵습니다. 다행히도 태풍이 큰 피해 없이 비껴갔습니다. 다들 물 조심하세요. Hope all is well.

Authorities in Mexico say that they plan to deport Max Factor cosmetics heir Andrew Luster sometime later today. Luster had been on the run for nearly six months. He skipped out on his rape and drug trial back in California, and was sentenced in absentia to 124 years in prison. He was apprehended last night in Puerto Vallarta.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
Authorities in Mexico say that ((they)) plan to deport max sector cosmetics heir, Andrew Luster, sometime later today. Luster had been on the run for nearly six months. He skipped out on his rape and drug trial back in California, ((and)) was sentenced in absentia to 124 years in prison. He was apprehended last night in Purto Vayalaga.

재판 중에 달아나서 6개월여간 도주하다가 어젯밤에 잡힌 범인에 대한 소식… 달아나고 없는 사이 124년이란 형량이 선고되었다는데… 그때까지 산다면 기네스북에 오를 수 있을 듯.. ## Cosmeticize=cosmetize 화장하다, 성형하다. cosmetic surgery 미용(정형)외과(plastic surgery) // heir 상속인, 후계자 // cosmetics 화장품 // deport 추방하다/(범죄자를) 강제로 이송하다 // In absentia 부재중에(in one’s absence) // apprehend (범인 등) 체포하다, 이해하다, 염려하다 // skip out 달아나다 // Max factor cosmetics heir를 Max factor란 화장품회사의 후계자로 해석해야 할까요?

(김진구의 듣기일기)
Authorities in Mexico said that they (?)planted to port (?)max-factor cosmetics here (?)Antwer Loster some time later today. Loster have been on the (?)lonfunelly six month. He skipped doubt on his rape and drug trial back in California where sentenced (?)inabsenced 124years in prison. He was apprehended last night in Port Biatar.

들리는 대로 썼더니 엉망이네요. Max Factor라는 화장품회사의 후계자(heir)가 추방될 거라는 내용이죠. deport, absentia 같은 단어를 몰라서인지 어려웠습니다. apprehend는 ‘이해하다’는 뜻도 있지만 여기서처럼 ‘잡다, 체포하다’는 뜻으로도 많이 쓰입니다. ◆ heir : a person who will legally receive money, property or a title from another person, especially an older member of the same family, when that other person dies ◆ deport : to force someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there or who has broken the law ◆ in absentia : while the person involved is not present.

The group Amnesty International is urging the government to revamp the ways in which it deals with child runaways who come to the US from other countries. Apparently, most of them are put in jails for long periods of time.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
The group, Amnesty International is urging the government to revamp the ways in which it deals with child runaways who come to the US from other countries. Apparently, most of them are put in jails for long periods of time.

국제사면위원회가 미 정부에 외국 국적의 아이들이 법망을 벗어나 도피하다가 걸리면 오랜 기간 수감되는 것에 대한 개정을 촉구하고 나섰군요. ## Amnesty 은사, 특사/~을 사면하다// revamp 수선하다(patch up), 가죽을 갈다, 혁신/개정하다 // Runaway 도망/도피(자), 가출(자).

(김진구의 듣기일기)
다른 나라에서 도망쳐 미국으로 들어오는 아이들을 감옥에 넣지 말고, 다른 방도를 마련해 보자는 엠네스티의 제안이죠. ◆ revamp : to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it.

This is AP Network News.

(((2003. 6. 20. Friday - latter part)))

Correspondent Warren Levinson reports from New York that a well-known soul singer, who’s been hospitalized for months, has a new reason to get better.
--- After more than two decades as a singing star, Luther Vandross, recovering from a stroke, has his first chart-topping debut. The Grammy winner’s new album, Dance with my Father, sold 440,000 copies in its first week of release, nearly two months after Vandross entered a New York hospital, barely conscious, in critical condition. He later needed a tracheotomy to help him breathe. The 52-year-old R&B star has made steady improvement since then. Last week, he came out of intensive care. His family decided to release the new album on schedule, despite his illness. Vandross’s mother Mary says he would have wanted his music to be heard. Warren Levinson, New York.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
Correspondent Warren Levinson reports from New York that a well-known soul singer, who’s been hospitalized for months, says a new reason to get better.
--- After more than two decades, a singing star, Luther Vandross, recovering from a stroke, has his first shot(?) topping debut. The Grammy winner’s new album, Dance with my Father, sold 440,000 copies in its first week of release, nearly two months after Vandross entered a New York hospital, barely conscious in critical condition. He ?? needed ?? to help him breathe. The 52-year-old R&B star has made steady improvement since then. Last week, he came out of intensive care. His family decided to release the new album on schedule despite his illness. Vandross’s mother Mary says he would have wanted his music to be heard. Warren Levinson, New York.

정상급 소울 가수인 Luther Vandross에 대한 얘기입니다. 우리나라에는 Mariah Carey와 듀엣으로 부른 Endless Love로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 10 여장 앨범을 냈는데 모두 100만장 이상이 판매된 플래티넘 앨범이라는군요. Dance with my father라는 앨범은 발매 첫 주만에 44만장의 판매고를 올리고, 차트에 1위로 진입했다고 합니다. 심장병 등으로 입원하셨다가 이런 성원에 힘입어 회복되고 있다는 얘기입니다. *** 1. ~hospitalized for months, has a new reason: months, has에서 잘 못 들었네요. 2. He needed a tracheotomy: 기관 절제술 3. 중환자실, 집중치료실: intensive care ***

(안미영의 듣기일기)
Correspondent Warren Levinson reports from New York that a well-known soul singer, who’s been hospitalized for months, has a new reason to get better. After more than two decades as a singing star, Luther Vandross, recovering from a stroke, has his first ( ?? ) debut. The Grammy winner’s new album, Dance with my Father, sold 440,000 copies in its first week of release, nearly two months after Vandross entered a New York hospital, barely conscious, in critical condition. He later needed a ( ? ? ) to help him breathe. The 52-year-old R&B star has made steady improvement since then. Last week, he came out of intensive care. His family decided to release the new album on schedule, despite his illness. Vandross’s mother Mary says he would have wanted his music to be heard. Warren Levinson, New York.

CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding says infectious diseases with the global impact like SARS and monkeypox are the new normal for medicine. Gerberding told the meeting of the American Medical Association in Chicago worldwide travel makes those diseases spread much quicker.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding says infectious diseases ?? global impact like SARS and monkeypox are the new normal for medicine. Gerberding told the meeting of the American Medical Association in Chicago worldwide travel makes those diseases spread much quicker.

사스나 monkeypox와 같이 전세계적인 전염병이 발생하면서 이러한 병들이 의학의 새로운 기준이 되고 있다는 내용입니다. ***1. infectious diseases with the global impact: with 못 들었습니다. *** 좋은 하루 되세요.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
CDC directory Dr. Julie Gerberding says infectious diseases with the global impact like SARS and monkeypox are the new normal for medicine. Gerberding told the meeting of the American Medical Association in Chicago worldwide travel makes those diseases spread much quicker.

* New normal for medicine은 감기 같은 일상적이고 흔한 질병이 되었다는 소리인지…그리고 medicine을 약이 아니라 의학계라고 번역을 해야 할 것 같은데 (아직 SARS에 대한 medicine이 안 나왔기 때문에 ) * Tracheotomy:(외과)기관절개(술) * Monkey pox:원두(원숭이의 수두 비슷한 전염병) * CDC: centers for disease control.

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