Grab some potatoes,
give them a good scrub
Chop them up, into the pot they go
Add some water, and a pinch of salt
Bring to a boil, let the bubbles flow
Oh, it's time to make a tasty tater dish
Mashed, fried or baked - grant your wish!
Potatoes are so versatile and great
A delicious side for your breakfast plate
For creamy mashed,
take your boiled spuds
Mash them up, add milk and butter love
Season well with salt and pepper too
Whip it good for a smooth
and fluffy groove
Oh, it's time to make a tasty tater dish
Mashed, fried or baked - grant your wish!
Potatoes are so versatile and great
A delicious side for your breakfast plate
Fried, roasted, scalloped or au gratin
So many ways to enjoy this starch heaven
Experiment with herbs and spices galore
Potatoes never fail
to leave you wantin' more!
Oh, it's time to make a tasty tater dish
Mashed, fried or baked - grant your wish!
Potatoes are so versatile and great
A delicious side for your breakfast plate