가수, 노래, 앨범, 가사내용 검색이 가능합니다.

Kiss Goodbye Leehom Wang

Baby꼇狼疼왼폽 侶寧캥뜩척坎咎  쏨壞淪콱돨癎궤늪떼꼇돤롸잼 첼寧늴拳역왯 뎃꼇흔괏넣갛쓰  못乖寧롸爐淚懃 봤봤隙콱돨쳄 妗르댈토굄 谿珂瞳乖懃슥꿩  댁粮돨癩잠꼇콘꿎桿갖돨路좆 마놔돨갖澗꼇쀼 뻘퓐콱돨乖꼇콘못  깎겉乖懃冷던浬 혼뫄踞 첼寧늴뵨콱롸역 뒈굳콱댔겨  첼寧늴렴폴콱돨侊휼 姑욈켜鹿姦뺙 첼寧늴뵨콱롸역 첼寧늴Kiss you goodbye 갖헙돨

Yong Yuan De Di Yi Tian Leehom Wang

湛陶돨뒤寧莖 拈 샙끝잤헌봤갛쓰 乖老黨였숨죄콱 누淪루擄 瓊淪契쟀 桂淪MD 浬윱浬혼 쀼壘 눈쏵懃쟁홍角콱 乖浬법혼괠쏨콱 콱돨稜 콱돨揆휭 콱돨잠두 쀼돕乖뺙쟁 콱댑壇乖 쏟莖령윱 던淪콱넨윱돨廬갖 앎령법댕베 oh∥ 던갖헙쀼윱 Yeah∥ 쏟莖였숨湛陶돨뒤寧莖 老黨茄君乖뵨콱돨킵喇 珂쇌쉥寧학윗陶 갖瞳懃쟁청唐맣긴 쏟莖였숨갖령법뒈틱窟 뎠乖綱供乖뚤콱돨珏喇 侶角쥼寧몸폅...

Gai Bian Zi Ji Leehom Wang

쏟豆폅눠죄 였쓸綾쟁돨乖 빔횔랙君乖랙謹慷돨唐듐Kuso 寧듐듐맣긴 唐붤댕돨뀌깎 콱乖돨제좆冷콘맣긴各썹 離쐤궐싹럼 離쐤헙岐붤Down 첼莖였劤壙떼삔붤拳댕쇄싻 뎃斗뺐청痰 댕소怜삔鞠禁 乖맣긴菱성랙君댕唐꼇谿 劤寧덜돨툉堂乖쳬 봤봤돨속答 댕소寧폅댕돨綱 Na Na Na Na Na~ 乖옵鹿맣긴各썹 맣긴菱성 맣긴밴챘 맣긴鬼폭 狼寧殮 클제클제 湛꼇렴폴 꼽옵鹿 맣긴各썹 C'...

竹林深處 Leehom Wang

콱角乖懃櫓돨휑墩밟창 癎櫓壞淪목빻耆 쳄돨횻乖戈죄落苟 콱돨廬 던淪窮 콱돨窮 삔綱뺐 콱돨뺐 봤獗怜 뚤乖綱 乖돨淚낀싻隣직읫 콱鬧땍狼槨乖藍렴 乖돨懃 璣冷소 乖돨소 청唐빻 乖돨빻홱瞳侶믄된淪乖 흼寧역迦 청唐뒨 갠櫓孤孤돨皆潭 乖쳬等列朞嶝宮룰 錫∥ 콱角懃櫓돨휑墩 쭝瞳侶쟁 쩠넋돨품빈뜩岱 怜槨島돕콱 뜩척拳뼙뺏냥槨콱신苟돨콧 yeah 늪옻돨轟훙믄 력뤘桂숨綱갖콱 콱角...

Xin Tiao Leehom Wang

拳뫄乖납솥乖청컸척轟좔 꼇땠돤돛퓔乖청컸척니츠 봤拳狼쀼돕乖쳬돨覩듐 콱棠瞳왼폽乖못꼇죄갛恝 乖棠瞳納庫唐컸척듐빈쁘 갖헙돨랙嵐綠켜鹿쀼庫홱轟랬鞏품浬 뎃꼇譚성놔君瞳禽왯 좃옮懃콘힘섯몸狂뵀 갖횻乖쳬직뜩癩잠 콱돨癩념찮쳄쟝던浬乖돨懃契 콱돨侊휼흔늪옜쐤던浬乖돨懃契 쾀瘻珂밟돕寧역迦콘꼇콘못寧취 된淪컴寧莖콱冷拳폅컸技瞳션壘櫓돨쳄봤

你和我 Leehom Wang

Dang mei ti bo bao de quan shi jue wang de qi fen Shei gai fu dian ze ren When everything the media broadcasting is all desesperate surrounding feelings, Who will take responsibility?

Long De Chuan Ren Leehom Wang

的人 Long de chuan ren Legend of the dragon 的方有一江 的名字就叫江 的方有一河 的名字就叫河 不曾看江美 里常神游江水 不曾河 澎湃涌在里 古老的方有一 的名字就叫中 古老的方有一群人 他全都是的人 巨脚底下我成 成以后是的人 黑眼睛黑皮 永永是的人 多年前的一夜 我全家人到了 野火不在心 每夜每天家的思念 人土地上我成 成以后是的人 巨巨擦亮...

愛無所不在 Leehom Wang

乖綠쒔굳콱녘뻐 맴붊돨懃퍅덤콱돨侊휼밝맬 聯츠唐寧蘆없뚤돨밑뺙 헌낳흔彊寧湳돨닸瞳 켜밍乖怜뚤콱弩윳 갖轟杰꼇瞳 늉씐拷츠菱瞳 횻乖겉갖踞赳던 갖轟杰꼇瞳 喇刀轟랬깊겜 뎃갖옵鹿랙君갖 없뚤꼇삔角崍강 힘꼇쏵왯덟 홱옵鹿踞赳던 쉥懃젯폅윱 乖綠쒔굳콱녘뻐 맴붊돨懃퍅덤콱돨侊휼밝맬 聯츠唐寧蘆없뚤돨밑뺙 헌낳흔彊寧湳돨닸瞳 켜밍乖怜뚤콱뚤콱弩윳 Repeat # Can you fee...

永遠的第一天 Leehom Wang

永的第一天 Yong yuan de di yi tian Forever's first 深夜 机冷好安 我于看了 穿着衣 提着行李 着MD 走走去 回 心里全是 我走去抱 的音 的笑容 的滴 回到我里 答我 今天 着的 就大海 oh~ 情回 Yah~ 今天看永的第一天 于我和的言 一切拉 在心里有改 今天看地平 我完我的誓言 是一起点 我一定到永 oh~ 回 心里全是 我走去...

龍的傳人 (룡적전인) Leehom Wang

的人 Long de chuan ren Legend of the dragon 的方有一江 的名字就叫江 的方有一河 的名字就叫河 不曾看江美 里常神游江水 不曾河 澎湃涌在里 古老的方有一 的名字就叫中 古老的方有一群人 他全都是的人 巨脚底下我成 成以后是的人 黑眼睛黑皮 永永是的人 多年前的一夜 我全家人到了 野火不在心 每夜每天家的思念 人土地上我成 成以后是的人 巨巨擦亮...

Ni He Wo Leehom Wang

Dang mei ti bo bao de quan shi jue wang de qi fen Shei gai fu dian ze ren When everything the media broadcasting is all desesperate surrounding feelings, Who will take responsibility?

蓋世英雄 (개세영웅) Leehom Wang

썹돨빽훙 나놔댕소돨懃(乖쳬댕소돨懃) 게폭걍櫓覩 珙諒爛룬緊 제겄붉莖 브瓜瀝열旗 팔꼇섟덤였숨乖돨灌윱(였숨乖돨 였숨乖돨)뚤痂척떼였역 맨各亶衿廬돨돕윱(맨各亶衿돕윱) 팔꼇섟덤였숨乖돨灌윱 뚤痂척떼퍅덤 맨各亶衿籃校憩 (湘 寧貫맨各亶衿狼憩죄 킹捺씀콱瞳컴랏 I'm yours, baby) I'm here let's go Yo it's Jin and leehom

白紙 (백지) Leehom Wang

燐莖쏟莖 谿몸蝎戮품 寧깁좃깁 拳갖等척못 蝎쟁돨천밧 융돨斤쇈 角갖졔 콱瞳璘긋 데났瞳塘긋 乖돨헷糾 닒꼇鞠쨌陶 돕콱소쳔품 拳항콱돨졌 홱唐듐델핥 獗蠟겜笭 갖헙꼽먼역迦 콱삔畇苟痂척俚 꼇땠깊刻 뎃乖땠솽넣 콱깎뤠땍乖돨넝 獗蠟겜笭 갖헙꼽먼역迦 乖홱畇찮콱츰俚 닒뒤寧늴 돕뒤寧푤늴 乖돨懃뻤돤뻤呵 燐莖쏟莖 谿몸蝎戮품 寧깁좃깁 拳갖等척못 촘앎瞳癩품 乖홱꼇먕茄君 拳콱돨...

?和我 Leehom Wang

Dang mei ti bo bao de quan shi jue wang de qi fen Shei gai fu dian ze ren When everything the media broadcasting is all desesperate surrounding feelings, Who will take responsibility?

如果니聽見我的歌 (여과니청견아적가) Leehom Wang

瞳箇콱났鹿빈 乖뗌菱籃죄봤씹 黛獗寧憐拈돨촘 姑홱等척冷꼇浬 꼲꼇拷角컸쟁놔죄댄 샀冀怜角맡써監돨珂빅 拳폅콱컸얌뻘角툉堂 槨痂척乖씁흔늪姑瞳懃庫 흔벎콱瞳셔캄돨珂옻홱桂숨乖侶看멱 콱癩웃角뤠삔랙훑 흔벎콱瞳우있돨珂옻홱桂숨乖侶看멱 콱懃쟁角뤠삔唐寧듐꼇돤 잠꼇삔햐弄뒈직 콱冷痰꼇淪퓔앓 갖앎獗림彊켜澗 헙棠唐强콘퓻헹

情敵貝多芬 (정적패다분) Leehom Wang

콱꼇밗乖唐뜩똘셤 冷꼇밗乖等척예累 儉湛陶角콱綱꼇콸돨뺐痙 콱횻乖槨儉肝쐴官형 갖넨돕뜩씹떼옵鹿 콱綾헒꼇땍청밑溝 뭘꼇뭘슥뻣콱뜩즛듐珂쇌 횻乖쳬좃훙데뗌寧폅 强떼拳撻唐헙훙供憐돨懃 깎綱乖格벚綾폭 맣莖콱소쳔왯唐훙룩욺뎐핵 寧땍角乖깎뺙虜 乖꼇태뫄疼퓻돨꽃桿淪궐寧궐 댔겨乖꼽콘퓽浬콱 툭죄LUDWIG BEETHOVEN 홱怜콘納庫潔폭

Take your time(國語版) (국어판) Leehom Wang

乖痰寧컸 슥뻣寧몸 莖낀뒈씹 乖痰乖君瞳 슥뻣寧몸 닒늪鹿빈 珂쇌瞳콱崗癎 Time to fall in love 꼇밗痂척珂빅 寧취寧몸촘 瘻땡갖돨쌘犁 Time to fall in love 꼇밗苟璘塘 寧취寧몸曠 寧듐冷꼇괏즛 Time is in your hand Take your time Take your time Take you time 乖桂淪홍各썹롸濾 훈...

你不在 Leehom Wang

当世界只剩下这床头灯 你那边是早晨已经出门 我侧身感到你在转身 无数陌生人 正在等下一个绿灯 一再错身彼此微弱的十分 不过渴望一个吻的余温 我关了灯黑暗把我并吞 wo 你不在 当我最需要爱 你却不在 wo 无尽等待像独白的难捱 wo 你不在 高兴还是悲哀 你都不在 我受了伤再偷偷好起来 但 你不在不在 break 时间再按下许多次快门 沉默里听见转动的秒针 一个人吃饭这个凌晨 孤单一人份...

女朋友 Leehom Wang

女朋友 This one, for all you gentlemen out there Who never know what to do when you see that Booty that you like on the dance floor(女朋友) Well the next time that happens You tell the DJ to play this so...

此刻你心裡想起誰 Leehom Wang

可能是转角(的)便利店 大夜班两点或三点 ke neng shi zhuan jiao de bian li dian da ye ban liang dian huo san dian 모퉁이에 있는 편의점에서 밤 2,3시까지 일을 하고 在收银机的旁边 她幻想着  新球鞋 zai shou yin ji de pang bian ta huan xiang zhe xin qiu...

Not Your Average Thug Leehom Wang

to love yourself Lately it's so hard to find peace of mind I just got to get away from the haters and the instigators The mis-conceivers and the non-believers People don't believe the hype 'cause Leehom

Can You Feel My World Leehom Wang

Can You Feel My World歌词 Can You Feel My Word 詞:李焯雄 Rap:王力宏 曲:王力宏 你只喜欢我微笑 你决定我的需要 我要怎么说才好 我不是为你制造 关心像是泥沼 拉住我往下掉 爱是漂亮口号 透过你的视角 你把我的喜好 随便删掉 变成你要的调调 你为我好我知道 我都知道 我的烦恼我的骄傲 你却不明了 怎样爱你才好 毕竟黑豹需要自由奔跑 不能满足拥抱...

Man In The Mirror Leehom Wang

im gonna make a change for once in my life its gonna feel real good gonna make a difference gonna make it right as i turn up the collar on my favorite winter coat this wind is blowing my mind i see...

Wei Yi Leehom Wang

唯一 Wei yi The only one 我的天空多么的清晰 透明的承诺是过去的空气 牵着我的手是你 但你的笑容 却看不清 是否一颗星星变了心 从前的愿望 也全都被抛弃 最近我无法呼吸连自己的影子 都想逃避(逃避) Baby 你就是我的唯一 两个世界都变形 回去谈何容易确定 你就是我的唯一 独自对着电话说我爱你 我真的爱你 Baby 我已不能多爱你一些 其实早已超过了爱的极限

Ai De Jiu Shi Ni Leehom Wang

상처가 아플수록 사랑은 깊어진다지만 我不相信 wo bu xiang xin 나는 믿지 않아요 ni和我同時停止呼吸 ni he wo tong shi ting zhi hu xi 그대와 내가 동시에 숨이 멎고 每一次我們kao近 mei yi ci wo men kao jin 우리가 가까워 질때 마다 ni讓我忘了困惑 ni rang wo wang

Fang Kai Ni De Xin Leehom Wang

王力宏 - 放开你的心 词:王力宏/崔惟楷 曲:王力宏 baby 我爱你 快乐永远来得及 so come on now and 放开你的心 baby 我爱你 快乐永远来得及 so come on now just 放开你的心 Now dance 为什么抱着怀疑 爱并不是都拥有自私自利 虽然难免一些坏记忆 让爱情失去吸引力 不再有趣 日子还是要过下去 不管是笑或哭泣 所以 别停止好奇 其实生活...

Hua Tian Cuo Leehom Wang

拈봤 ?죄 笭눗쟁等척좋淪 컸꼇角 낱拈된빅 콱槨乖듐돨賚삽 꼇법角 寧늴億瘍 븐짜컸寧끝촘 乖돨 ?彊 홍꼬藁 ? 獗굳댕黛求법 괸櫓쒼 ?뱃宅 戈죄乖角强 懃헙앎獗拈졸흔彊 癎쟁壞淪빛따괸  데령 꼇釐꼇백 빻逕쟁렇죄댄 綱봤 팎貴품戈딜 빻逕쟁렇죄댄 撻괠 긴냥죄쇔갼 빻逕쟁렇죄댄 렇댄... 獗촬졔쓸빻彊墩돨轟좔 빻逕쟁렇죄댄 헝 覩좌乖뜩헙돨댔훅 釐 等척삔뵌釐 쳄  凜槨콱돨쳄 ...

Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi Leehom Wang

hu die zha ji ci yan jing cai xue hui fei xing 蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行 나비는 눈을 몇번 깜빡이고 나는법을 배우죠 ye kong sa man le xing xing dan ji ke hui luo di 夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地 밤하늘에 별들을 가득뿌리지만 몇개는 땅으로 떨어져요 wo fei xing d...

Like A Gunshot - Leehom Wang 스파이더맨 OST


Stages Of Flying Joanna Wang

think it would be nice to make love Above the dark clouds 'oh ain't that nice' Your heart by now is filled With a feeling you can't explain Does it make you sad when you pack your bags and go Goodbye

Zai Jian! Wo De Ai Ren 鄧麗君(등려군)

Goodbye My Love Wo de ai ren zai jian Goodbye My Love Xiang jian bu ru na yi tian Wo ba yi qie gei le ni Xi wang ni yao zhen xi Bu yao gu fu wo de zhen qing yi Goodbye My Love Wo de ai ren zai


GOODBYE Ain't it funny how the time slips away 'Cause now I'm leavin' and I wish I could stay People wonder why they don't get a chance They wait for music but they don't get to dance Mmm, well

LMLY Jackson Wang

yeah We keep on touching But we don’t feel Feels like you’re letting Your hands off the wheel Yeah What if I just hold on for a while Baby there’s no drug quite like denial Oh my if this is goodbye

Now Joanna Wang

Goodbye my love Im goanna miss you When I go I promise to forget Id never twist a story sideways I was traveled different highways And it always leads me back to you again We connected through the

Kiss Goodbye 왕력굉

ni fen kai shen shen de bei ni da bai 매번 그대와 헤어질 때 마다 항상 지고 마는 나 每一次放的柔 痛苦以 mei yi ci fang qi ni de wen rou tong ku nan yi shi huai 매번 그대의 따뜻함을 포기 할 때의 아픔은 설명할 수가 없죠   每一次和分 每一次kiss

Goodbye Kiss Kasabian

Doomed from the start We met with a goodbye kiss, I broke my wrist It all kicked off, I had no choice You said that you didn`t mind `cause love`s hard to find Maybe the days we had are gone, living

Kiss Goodbye Avant

you didn't buy It's okay If you're in the bed and her phone rings in the middle of the night It's okay If she says she was out with her girls and you know it's a lie But if she kissed him that's your kiss

Kiss Goodbye 왕리훙

hai qian ni de wo bu neng gei bie ba wo xin ye dai zou qu gen sui **mei yi ci he ni fenkai shenshen de bei ni da bai mei yi ci fangqi nide wenlou tongku nanyi shihuai mei yi ci he ni fenkai mei ci kiss

Kiss Goodbye Little Big Town

Wishing when I close your eyes With a kiss goodbye...

Goodbye Kiss Grace Potter And The Nocturnals

really hate to say it but Im gonna say it anyway You, you know youre not the only one Id rather just cut and run than set the blind on yesterday so lets just call this what it is and give me one more goodbye

Goodbye Caliban

Goodbye, a word that makes me cry All the joy and all the fun Are suddenly gone, goodbye I can feel the cold steel on my shaking skin I stand alone with my thoughts On a crossway to neverwhere Every end

Wang Xiang Aaron Kwok

to moonn6pence from papayeverte 回忆内似是梦一场 各人和事似是仍一样 长街上满是熟悉人 笑容仍然似艳阳 回忆外却是漫天凉 处人群内也是仍孤独 离乡后我是异乡人 每回头望觉路长 盼我家乡朋友都快乐 而父母也健康心舒畅 你于思海仍那么漂亮 离别你每天都觉漫长 如他日再聚一场 各人和事有没仍一样 涂改是岁月专长 有谁能没变样 盼我家乡朋友都快乐 而父母也健康心舒畅 ...

Wang Xiang Tiger Huang

mei na me jian dan jiu neng zhao daoliao de lai de banyou qi shi zaikan guo le na me duo de bei panzong shi bu anzhi hao qiang hanshei mou sha le wo de lang manmei na me jian danjiu neng qu aibie d...

Betty Wang Hospitality

Betty Wang wear your jeans Cut your hair and clean your sleeves I don't care where you live Or how far uptown it is Across the street we could meet at the Edison Hotel Bought you lunch Bought you sleep

Goodbye Dante Thomas

One last kiss One last cry Alittle romance before we say goodbye (bye) Dont worry friend you'll see them again See them again.


KISS THE GIRL GOODBYE Kiss the girl goodbye It's time for me to fly Wipe the tears away I'll be home some day, baby So baby, please wait for me Don't want no one to take my place You're the

Goodbye Linda Ronstadt/Nelson Riddle

why Let's say farewell with a sigh Let love die But we'll go on living Our own way of living So you take the high road And I'll take the low It's time that we parted It's much better so But kiss

Goodbye Linda Ronstadt

to wonder why Let`s say farewell with a sigh Let love die But we`ll go on living Our own way of living So you take the high road And I`ll take the low It`s time that we parted It`s much better so But kiss

Feeling Lucky 비비 (BIBI), Jackson Wang

Something about The way you kiss it Dont ever stop You know you started something You’re on the stop I’m feeling lucky Go head and touch it if you want it baby keep me coming Something about the way that

Kiss it Goodbye Hannah Montana

OMG) I'm a different girl Kiss it goodbye-ey-ey-ey Kiss it goodbye-ey-ey-ey Kiss it goodbye-ey-ey-ey Kiss it goodbye-ey-ey-ey Kiss, kiss, kiss it all goodbye-bye Kiss, kiss, kiss it all goodbye-bye Kiss