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작성자 beul_02 이름으로 검색 작성일 09-06-02 10:10 조회 9,720 댓글 1


번호 : 285976
Choux Pastry Heart - Corinne Bailey Rae 가사의 삭제 사유를 적어주세요.
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Corinne Bailey Rae의 'Choux Pastry Heart 원래 가사는

I was just waiting for your phone call,
when they came along to say
that a rose done chased you clear away.
you had said I was gamine
but we didn't mean the same thing,
I think. broke my choux pastry heart.
guess life's no picture postcard.
one for sorrow,
two for joy.
*sometimes you win,
sometimes you lose.
don't want to lose you,
don't even own you.
I just want to stay right here,
until never dawns.

I was just waiting for you answer,
you made your own apologies
I cried so much I had to leave.
three for a girl,
four for a boy.



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