Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Splish! Splish!
Splash! Splash!
Safety rules at the water park
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Hello-fellow marshmallows
Take a shower before swimming.
Clean and fresh for water playing.
Remember to warm up as well.
Bend and stretch. I’m doing swell.
Please don’t run. No, no running!
Slippery floors. No, no rushing.
Remember there’s no diving either.
Don’t want to bump against
each other.
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Splish! Splish!
Splash! Splash!
Safety rules at the water park
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Hello-fellow marshmallows
No, no eating in the pool.
It’s a common sanitary rule.
Remember. No, no drinking either.
I’ll drink outside the water.
Play for thirty minutes and rest a bit.
My body needs to have a seat.
Stay in the low water level,
as high as my belly button level.
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Splish! Splish!
Splash! Splash!
Safety rules at the water park
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Hello-fellow marshmallows
Never ever spit in the pool.
A good kid wouldn’t do that.
And never ever pee in the pool.
I want to swim clean and cool.
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Splish! Splish!
Splash! Splash!
Safety rules at the water park
Fun, fun water park
Happy, happy water park
Hello-fellow marshmallows
Hello-fellow marshmallows