miss you

앨범 : M-flo loves Melody & 山本領平 - miss you

DJ play that music louder, お願い
(DJ play that music louder,오네가이)
DJ play that music louder, 부탁해.

二人でいるのに I miss you 近くにいても Boy I miss you
(후타리데이루노니 I miss you 치카쿠니이테모 Boy I miss you)
둘이 있는데도 I miss you 가까이 있어도 Boy I miss you

少しだけ baby (the cold crush lover is here)
(스코시다케baby (the cold crush lover is here)
조금만 baby (the cold crush lover is here)

もしかして maybe (the 流星"s flowin this year)
(모시카시테 maybe the 류세이"s flowin this year)
혹시 maybe (the 유성의 flowin this year)

氣が變わる前に rock with you そして今日もこのまま with you
(키가 카와루마에니 rock with you 소시테 쿄오모 코노마마 with you)
마음이 바뀌기 전에 rock with you 그리고 오늘도 이대로 with you

どこまで(もう)少しだけ そして朝まで uh uh uh in this atmosphere
(도코마데 모오 스코시다케 소시테 아사마데)
어디까지 이제 조금만, 그리고 아침까지 uh uh uh in this atmosphere


Don"t know why this love gotta be むずかしい
Don"t know why this love gotta be(무즈카시이)
Don"t know why this love gotta be 어려워.

I"m the 宇宙の super lover バ-バルなのに
(I"m the 우츄우노 super lover 바바루나노니)
I"m the 우주의 super lover verbal인데

Don"t know why this タカハシタクのbeat
(Don"t know why this 타카하시타쿠노 beat)
Don"t know why this 타카하시타쿠의 beat

gotta be so fly with 領平とmelody...Now listen
(gotta be so fly with 료헤이토 melody...Now listen)
gotta be so fly with 료헤이와 melody...Now listen

I don"t know why 君の基準はとてもhigh何もかも so up tight
(I don"t know why 키미노 키쥰와 토테모 high 나니모카모 so up tight)
I don"t know why 그대의 기준은 너무나 high 뭐든지 so up tight

あれもこれもプレゼントされても Baby don"t you know それだけじゃないよ
(아레모 코레모 프레젠사레테모 Baby don"t you know 소레다케쟈나이요)
이것저것 선물을 받아도 Baby don"t you know 그것만이 아니야.

I don"t know why すき間のない 迷いのない態度 is that プライド?
(I don"t know why 스키마노나이 마요이노나이 타이도 is that 프라이도)
I don"t know why 빈틈 없고, 망설임 없는 태도 is that 프라이드?

cash or card 金で買えるもの何でも與えても she always says no
(cash or card 카네데 카에루모노 난데모 아타에테모 she always says no)
cash or card 돈으로 살 수 있는 건 뭐든지 줘도 she always says no

I gave her this, I gave her that かざれるものは
(I gave her this, I gave her that 카자레루모노와)
I gave her this, I gave her that 꾸밀 수 있는 건

夢のようだけれど diamond rings are not forever
(유메노요오다케레도 diamond rings are not forever)
꿈 같지만, diamond rings are not forever

name anything, 宇宙船 that blings just anything
(name anything, 우츄우센 that blings just anything)
name anything, 우주선 that blings just anything

月の光までも so baby come close to me
(츠키노히카리마데모 so baby come close to me)
달빛까지도 so baby come close to me

(Ooh,) baby can"t you see わかってほしい this is my 氣持ち
((Ooh,) baby can"t you see 와캇테 호시이. this is my 키모치.)
(Ooh,) baby can"t you see 이해해 줘. this is my 기분이야.

Ooh tell me, tell me cuz 限度なんてない 好きなものbuyして(lalalalala)
(Ooh tell me, tell me cuz  겐도난테나이 스키나모노 buy시테. (lalalalala))
Ooh tell me, tell me cuz 한도 같은 건 없어. 좋아하는 건 buy해줘. (lalalalala)

Ooh, you say that you miss me but callもないし
(Ooh, you say that you miss me but call모 나이시)
Ooh, you say that you miss me but call도 없고

じゃあどうして欲しい girl
(쟈아도오시테호시이 girl)
그럼 어떡하길 바래, girl

Ooh, 敎えて so I can do it right
(Ooh, 오시에테. so I can do it right)
Ooh, 가르쳐줘. so I can do it right

So tonight, u and I can just uh uh

Repeat *

One... tokyo minuteで見せる love I gotta lotta of it ma, dynamite 爆發 love
(One... tokyo minute 데 미세루 love I gotta lotta of it ma, dynamite 바쿠하츠l ove)
One... tokyo minute에서 보이는 love I gotta lotta of it ma, dynamite 폭발하는 love

君はHOT! HOT!... どうしたらいいんでしょうか? cafe mocha HOT! HOT!
(키미와 HOT! HOT! 도오시타라 이인데쇼오카 cafe mocha HOT! HOT!)
그대는 HOT! HOT!...어떡하면 좋을까? cafe mocha HOT! HOT!

誰もが振り向いて jealousy とけちまうぜ アツアツ she killin me
(다레모가 후리무이테 jealousy 토케치마우제 아츠아츠 she killin me)
누구나 돌아보며 jealousy 녹아버리지, 뜨거워. she killin me

lalala lalala lalala lalala lalala

ますます like stevie, signed sealed デリバリ-
(마스마스 like stave, signed sealed 데리바리)
더욱 더 like stevie, signed sealed 배달.

好きな事 do it baby, 口紅ぬって can we マジメに二人で rock rock? If you don"t mind
(스키나코토 do it baby 구치베니 눗테 can we 마지메니 후타리데 rock rock? If you don"t mind)
좋아하는 건 do it baby, 립스틱을 바르고 can we 진지하게 둘이서 rock rock? If you don"t mind

Ooh I"ll tell you what this is all about your moneyじゃ買えないものだから
(Ooh I"ll tell you what this is all about your money쟈 카에나이모노다카라)
Ooh I"ll tell you what this is all about your money로는 살 수 없는 거니까.

でも (Oh!) 見たい 見たい your 微笑み and here your melody (lalalalalala)
데모 (Oh!) 미타이. 미타이 your 호호에미. and here your melody (lalalalalala)
하지만 (Oh!) 보고 싶어, 보고 싶어. your 미소. and here your melody (lalalalalala)

How can I can I 傳えればいい? Just spend some time with me
(How can I can I 츠타에레바 이이Just spend some time with me)
How can I can I 전하면 되지? Just spend some time with me

時間がない so please もしマジなら二人 gotta be gotta be?
(지칸가 나이. so please 모시마지나라 후타리 gotta be gotta be?)
시간이 없어. so please 만약 진심이라면 둘이서 gotta be gotta be?

loving and huggin and uh uh

Repeat *

DJ play that music louder, お願い
(DJ play that music louder, 오네가이)
DJ play that music louder, 부탁해.

Ooh How you like me now, 2013年スタイル, m-flo"s lovin" us now
(Ooh How you like me now, 니센쥬산넨 스타이루, m-flo"s lovin" us now)
Ooh How you like me now, 2013년 스타일, m-flo"s lovin" us now

La la 聞こえていたら Come and get me
(La la 키코에테이타라, Come and get me)
La la 들린다면, Come and get me

No, cuz this ain"t no joke, you deserve it all,
and I"m treating you right girl!

(The way I"m livin" is 5 stars, 凄くlarge)
(The way I"m livin" is 5 stars, 스고쿠 large)
(The way I"m livin" is 5 stars, 대단히 large)

超未來, こう御期待 Girl, you my type...what"s your 名前? 止まらない pull over!
(쵸미라이 코오 고키타이 Girl, you 나마에 토마라나이 pull over!)
초미래, 이렇게 기대 Girl, you my type...이름은? 멈추지 않아. pull over!

Throw ya, hands up in the air, この晩 Girl, 流れ星みたような feelinで Uh
(Throw ya, hands up in the air,코노방 Girl, 나가레보시 미타요오나 feelin데 Uh)
Throw ya, hands up in the air, 이 밤 Girl, 유성을 본 듯한 feelin으로 Uh

(소노 히토미니 하맛테타제 이츠노마니카)
그 눈동자에 빠져들었어. 어느 샌가

because I"m bound to wreck your body and say turn the party out
I"m bound to wreck your body and say turn the party out
I"m bound to wreck your body and say turn the party out

Tell me why どうしてすれ違って行くの?
(Tell me why 도오시테 스레치갓테 이쿠노)
Tell me why 어째서 엇갈리는 거지?

(why don"t we kiss no more)

もういつのまにか 二人は (so far apart, tell me)
(모오 이츠노 마니카 후타리와)
이제 어느 샌가 두 사람은

どうすればいいの baby girl? (Uh, How u feelin me now?)
(도오스레바 이이노 baby girl?)
어떡하면 좋지, baby girl?

We should be vibin" forever

Repeat *

관련 가사

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M-flo Beat  
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가사 수정 / 삭제


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