1 Joy to the world the lord is come
Let earth re ceive her King
Let every heart pre pare him room
and heaven and na ture sing and heaven and na ture sing
and heaven and heaven and na ture sing
2 Joy to the world the Sa vior reigns
Let men their songs em ploy
while fields and floods rocks hills and plains
re peat the the sound ing joy
re peat re peat the sound ing joy
3 No more let song and sor rows grow
nor thorns in fest he ground
He comes to make his bless ings fiow
as the curse is found far as the curse is found
far as far as the curse is found
4 He rules the world with truth and grace
and makes the na tions prove
the gio ries of his right eous ness
and won der of his love and won der of his love
and won ders won ders of his love