
Alex To
겉갖돨玖곽떼댔역 댕켬櫓념찮淪 느느挑땡돨퍅덤
꼇角乖 拳겉콱녘뻐 茄瞳角콱쟤벧 횻乖꼇돤잼역
乖渡먁 콱角槨乖랍윱 꼇휭寧취랙댜
흼角댄법콱 寧겟쾨떼먁엶
杰館먁헙쨌 睹소쨌駱 君瞳떼츠겜

닒쏟빈 였淪콱봤 였淪콱뻐 乖떼투瞳뺙櫓 홍꼬떼갖
였淪君瞳 였淪灌윱 乖떼拳횻콱瞳乖李휭쟁굳갖

겉갖돨玖곽떼댔역 댕켬櫓념찮淪 느느挑땡돨퍅덤
杰館먁헙쨌 睹소쨌駱 君瞳떼츠겜

닒쏟빈 였淪콱봤 였淪콱뻐 乖떼투瞳뺙櫓 홍꼬떼갖
였淪君瞳 였淪灌윱 乖떼拳횻콱瞳乖李휭쟁굳갖

My life has been such a crazy little thing
Ever since I met you girl
I've never been the same Wanna hold you
from winter to fall and make sweet love to you
anywhere at all Promise
I will be there when you're down and out I will take you
on a cruise around about
That's first time I've ever been in love With you
I swear no one else is good enough

鄧槨죄菱성 寧殮떼 踞먁얾 충뚤갖 꼇춤퓻꼇옻雷윱뚤덤
랍콱횻乖 맣긴죄懃檄 唐寧蘆廬宮댕겜 寧랙켜澗歌 拳혼갖

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