We are all dinosaurs!
Baby dinosaur is in the egg.
Baby dinosaur
Small, small, small
Small dinosaur
Stand up!
I came out of the egg.
Hi, dinosaurs!
Dinosaurs are tall.
Tall, tall, tall
Sous-sus up, sous-sus up
Sous-sus up, sous-sus up
Dinosaurs have big feet.
Second position
Por de bras side
One, two, three
Por de bras side
One, two, three
Big feet dinosaur
Grand plié
Touch big feet.
Touch big feet.
Up to the sky!
Up to the sky!
Touch big feet.
Touch big feet.
Up to the sky!
Up to the sky!
Dinosaurs, jump!
Passé, down
Passé, down
High, high, higher!
Dinosaurs, jump!
High, high, higher!
Dinosaurs, jump!
We are cool dinosaurs.
Well done!
JunyTony Ballet friends