Playlet #1


Guy #1: Hi.

Guy #2: Hi.

#1: What's your name?

#2: I don't have one.

#1: What do you mean you don't have one? Everybody has a name. What do
people call you when they want to get your attention?

#2: "Hey."

#1: "Hay", like the grain?

#2: No, "Hey" like hey.

#1: What the hell does that mean?

#2: I don't know.

#1: Well, "Hey" isn't such a great name for a person. A guy should
have a name that he can be proud of. Do you have any
distinguishing physical attributes?

#2: Ummm... I only have one eye.

#1: Naah, "One Eye" sounds like a pirates name, and you're not a
pirate... are you?

#2: No, I'm an accountant.

#1: Any other weird features Mr. Accountant?

#2: Well, my arm's made out of velvet.

#1: There you go! We'll call you "Velvet Arm".

Velvet Arm: Sounds good to me.

#1: I love you, Velvet Arm.

Velvet Arm: I love you too, Guy #1.

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