Foolish Games


Foolish Games

Song by

You took your coat off
and stood in the rain

You were al_ways cra_zy
like that

I watched from
my win_dow

al_ways felt
I was out_side

look_ing in on you

You were al_ways
the my_ste_rious one

with dark eyes
and care_less hair

You were
fa_shio_nab_ly sen_si_tive

but too cool to care

Then you stood
in my door_way

with no_thing to say

be_sides some comment
on the wea_ther

Well in case
you failed to notice

In case
you failed to see

This is my heart
bleed_ing be_fore you

This is me down
on my knees

These foo_lish games
are tear_ing me a_part

Your thought_less words
are break_ing my heart

You're break_ing
my heart

You were
al_ways bril_li_ant

in the morn_ing

Smok_ing your ci_ga_rettes
talk_ing o_ver cof_fee

You phi_lo_so_phies on art
Ba_ro_que moved you

You loved Mo_zart

and you'd speak
of your loved ones

As I clum_si_ly
strummed my gui_tar

Well ex_cuse me

guess I've mis_ta_ken you
for some_bo_dy else

who gave a damn

Some_bo_dy more
like my_self

These fool_ish games
are tear_ing me

you tear_ing me
you tear_ing me a_part

Your thoughtless words
are break_ing my heart

you're break_ing
my heart@

You took your coat off
and stood in the rain

you were al_ways cra_zy
like that

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